The main activities of the Association:
• Ensuring effective interaction between industry companies to identify and jointly solve the challenges that the domestic hydropower industry is facing;
• Representing the interests of hydropower companies in relevant authorities, public associations and unions;
• International cooperation in hydropower.
Since 2008, the Association has been an authorized organization representing the interests of the Russian Federation in the International Commission on Large Dams (ICOLD). The Association and PJSC RusHydro support the work of the Russian National Committee (RNC ICOLD), which consists of leading representatives of scientific and design institutes, specialists from hydro-generating companies./
Since 2010, the Association is a member of the International Hydropower Association (IHA).
• Implementation of the necessary research and development work on the basis of common decisions of the members of the Association;The Association also continues to cooperate with the specialized subcommittee ТС4 “Hydro turbines" of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC);
• Organization of knowledge and experience exchange in the field of hydropower (holding conferences, seminars, etc.)In order to popularize hydropower as the leading branch of the Russian fuel and energy complex, the Association holds the All-Russian competitions: "The best final qualifying work in the field of hydropower among graduates of Russian universities” and "The best educational, methodological and scientific publication in the field of hydropower in Russia."
The competitions are held with the support of the Ministry of Energy of Russia and the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia. Based on the results, the Association publishes annotation collections of winners’ works.