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IRENA is grateful for the valuable contributions of Dolf Gielen, Elizabeth Press, Ahmed Badr, Simon Benmarraze, Herib Blanco, Francisco Boshell, Yong Chen, Barbara Jinks and Binu Parthan (IRENA) in the preparation of this study.This report benefited from the reviews and comments of numerous experts, including Pietro Altermatt (Trina Solar), Alain Dollet (CNRS / PROMES), Alejandro Labanda (UNEF), Alex Barrows (exa-watt), Amelie Ancelle (ESTELA), Christoph Richter (DLR), Daniel Gudopp (deea Solutions), David Moser (Eurac Research), Eero Vartiainen (Fortum Growth Oy), Elvira Lopez Prados (Acciona), Eric Lantz (NREL), Florian Egli (ETH Zurich), Jose Donoso (UNEF), Jose Luis Martinez Dalmau (ESTELA), Jurgen Dersch (DLR), Keiji Kimura (Renewable Energy Institute), Lena Kitzing (DTU), Manuel Quero (Sunntics), Marcel Bial (ESTELA), Mark Mehos (NREL), Marta Martinez Sanchez (Iberdrola), Miguel Mendez Trigo (ESTELA),Molly Morgan (exa-watt), Nikolai Orgland (ETH Zurich), Paul Komor (University of Colorado at Boulder), Pedro Dias (Solar Heat Europe), Phillip Beiter (IEA Wind), Simon Price (exa-watt) and Rina Bohle Zeller (Vestas).Contributors: Michael Taylor, Pablo Ralon and Sonia Al-Zoghoul (IRENA). Barbel Epp on solar thermal (Solrico) and Matthias Jochum on WACC benchmarking (ETH Zurich).IRENA would like to thank:· The International Climate Initiative (IKI) as part of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety for supporting the analysis of commercial and industrial solar thermal heat within the project Solar Payback. · The German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy for supporting the benchmarking and survey of the cost of capital for renewable power generation projects.For further information or to provide feedback: publications@irena.orgThis report is available for download: www.irena.org/publications

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